Week No. | Code | Theory Chaptor | Time Hours | Download |
Week 1st | Importance of trade Training. – General discipline in the Institute – Elementary First Aid. – Importance of Welding in Industry – Safety precautions in Shielded Metal Arc Welding, and OxyAcetylene Welding and Cutting. | 7 | Download | |
Week 2nd | OAW-01 SMAW-01 | Introduction and definition of welding. – Arc and Gas Welding Equipments, tools and accessories. – Various Welding Processes and its applications. – Arc and Gas Welding terms and definitions. | 7 | Download |
Week 3rd | OAW-02 OAW-03 | Different process of metal joining methods: Bolting, riveting, soldering, brazing, seaming etc. – Types of welding joints and its applications. Edge preparation and fit up for different thickness. – Surface Cleaning | 7 | Download |
Week 4th | SMAW-02 SMAW-03 | Basic electricity applicable to arc welding and related electrical terms &definitions. – Heat and temperature and its terms related to welding – Principle of arc welding. And characteristics of arc. | 7 | Download |
Week 5th | OAGC-01 OAGC-02 OAGC-03 OAGC-04 OAGC-05 OAGC-06 | Common gases used for welding & cutting, flame temperatures and uses. – Chemistry of oxy-acetylene flame. – Types of oxy-acetylene flames and uses.- Oxy-Acetylene Cutting Equipment principle,parameters and application. | 7 | Download |
Week 6th | OAW-04 SMAW-04 OAW-05 | Arc welding power sources: Transformer, Motor Generator set, Rectifier and Inverter type welding machines and its care & maintenance.. – Advantages and disadvantages of A.C. and D.C. welding machines | 6 | Download |
Week 7th | SMAW-05 OAW-06 SMAW-06 | Welding positions as per EN & ASME: flat, horizontal, vertical and over head position.- Weld slope and rotation. – Welding symbols as per BIS & AWS. | 6 | Download |
Week 8th | OAW-07 SMAW-07 I&T-01 | Arc length – types – effects of arc length. – Polarity: Types and applications. – Weld quality inspection, common welding mistakes and appearance of good and defective welds – Weld gauges & its uses. | 6 | Download |
Week 9th | OAW-08 SMAW-08 SMAW-09 | Calcium carbide properties and uses. – Acetylene gas properties and generating methods. – Acetylene gas Purifier, Hydraulic back pressure valve and Flash back arrestor. | 6 | Download |
Week 10th | OAW-09 SMAW-10 | Oxygen gas and its properties – Production of oxygen by Air liquefaction. – Charging process of oxygen and acetylene gases – Oxygen and Dissolved Acetylene gas cylinders 23 WELDER and Color coding for different gas cylinders. – Gas regulators, types and uses | 6 | Download |
Week 11th | OAW-10 OAW-11 SMAW-11 | Oxy acetylene gas welding Systems (Low pressure and High pressure). Difference between gas welding blow pipe(LP &HP) and gas cutting blow pipe – Gas welding techniques. Rightward and Leftward techniques. | 6 | Download |
Week 12th | SMAW-12 OAW-12 SMAW-13 | Arc blow – causes and methods of controlling. – Distortion in arc & gas welding and methods employed to minimize distortion – Arc Welding defects, causes and Remedies. | 6 | Download |
Week 13 & 14 | OAW-13 SMAW-14 | Specification of pipes, various types of pipe joints, pipe welding all positions, and procedure. – Difference between pipe welding and plate welding. Pipe development for Elbow joint, “T” joint, Y joint and branch joint . Manifold system | 14 | Download |
Week 15th | OAW-15 SMAW-16 | Gas welding filler rods, specifications and sizes. – Gas welding fluxes – types and functions. – Gas Brazing & Soldering : principles, types fluxes & uses – Gas welding defects, causes and remedies | 7 | Download |
Week 16th | OAW-16 SMAW-17 | Electrode : types, functions of flux, coating factor, sizes of electrode Coding of electrode as per BIS, AWS, – Effects of moisture pick up. – Storage and baking of electrodes. – Special purpose electrodes and their applications. | 7 | Download |
Week 17th | SMAW-18 SMAW-19 | Weldability of metals, importance of pre heating, post heating and maintenance of inter pass temperature. | 7 | Download |
Week 18 and 19 | SMAW-20 SMAW-21 SMAW-22 SMAW-23 | Classification of steel. – Welding of low, medium and high carbon steel and alloy steel. Effects of alloying elements on steel – Stainless steel types- weld decay and weldability. | 14 | Download |
Week 20th | OAW-17 SMAW-24 OAW-18 | Brass – types – properties and welding methods. – Copper – types – properties and welding methods. | 7 | Download |
Week 21 | OAW-19 SMAW-25 AG-01 | Aluminium and its alloys, properties and weldability, Welding methods – Arc cutting & gouging, | 7 | Download |
Week 22 | OAW-20 OAW-21 | Cast iron and its properties types. – Welding methods of cast iron. | 7 | Download |
Week 27 | I&T-02 I&T-03 I&T-04 I&T-05 I&T-06 | Types of Inspection methods – Classification of destructive and NDT methods – Welding economics and Cost estimation. | 7 | Download |
Week 28 | GMAW-01 GMAW-02 | Safety precautions in Gas Metal Arc Welding and Gas Tungsten Arc welding. – Introduction to GMAW – equipment – accessories. – Various other names of the process. (MIG/MAG/CO2 welding.) | 5 | Download |
Week 29 | GMAW-03 GMAW-04 GMAW-05 | Advantages of GMAW welding over SMAW , limitations and applications – Process variables of GMAW. – Modes of metal transfer – dip or short circuiting transfer, spray transfer (free flight transfer) and globular transfer (intermittent transfer) and Pulsed metal transfer. | 5 | Download |
Week 30 & 31 | GMAW-06 GMAW-07 | Wire feed system – types – care and maintenance. – Welding wires used in GMAW, standard diameter and codification as per AWS.- Types of shielding gases and gas mixtures used in GMAW and its applications. – Flux cored arc welding – description, advantage, welding wires, coding as per AWS. | 11 | Download |
Week 32 | GMAW-10 GMAW-11 | Edge preparation of various thicknesses of metals for GMAW. – GMAW defects, causes and remedies | 7 | Download |
Week 33 | GMAW-12 GMAW-13 | Heat input and techniques of controlling heat input during welding. – Heat distribution and effect of faster cooling | 7 | Download |
Week 34 | GMAW-14 GMAW-15 | Pre heating & Post Weld Heat Treatment – Use of temperature indicating crayons. | 7 | Download |
Week 35 | GMAW-16 gmaw-17 | Submerged arc welding process –principles, equipment, advantages and limitations – Electro slag and Electro gas welding processes– principles, equipments, advantages and limitations | 7 | Download |
Week 36 | GMAW-18 GMAW-19 | Thermit welding processtypes, principles, equipments, Thermit mixture types and applications. – Use of backing strips and backing bars | 7 | Download |
Week 37, 38 and 39 | GTAW-01 GTAW-02 GTAW-03 GTAW-04 GTAW-05 | GTAW process – brief description. Difference between AC and DC welding, equipments, polarities and applications. – Various other names of the process (TIG, Argonarc) – Power sources for GTAW – AC &DC Tungsten electrodes – types & uses, sizes and preparation – GTAW Torches- types, parts and their functions – GTAW filler rods and selection criteria. – Edge preparation and fit up. – GTAW parameters for welding of different thickness of metals – Pulsed TIG welding – brief description, pulse parameters slope up and slope down. | 21 | Download |
Week 40 | GTAW-06 | Argon / Helium gas properties – uses. – GTAW Defects, causes and remedy. | 7 | Download |
Week 41 | GTAW-07 | Friction welding processequipment and application – Laser beam welding (LBW)and Electron beam welding(EBW) | 7 | Download |
Week 42 | GTAW-08 PAC-01 | Plasma Arc Welding (PAW) and cutting (PAC) process – equipments and principles of operation. – Types of Plasma arc, advantages and applications. | 7 | Download |
Week 43 | RW-01 RW-02 | Resistance welding process -types, principles, power sources and welding parameters. – Applications and limitations. | 7 | Download |
Week 44 | OAW-01 OAW-02 | Metalizing – types of metalizing principles, equipments, advantages and applications Manual Oxy – acetylene powder coating processprinciples of operation and applications | 7 | Download |
Week 45 | OAW-03 OAW-04 | Welding codes and standards – Reading of assembly drawing – Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) and Procedure Qualification Record ( PQR) | 7 | Download |
Week 46 | OAW-05 SMAW-01 SMAW-02 | Hard facing/ surfacing necessity, surface preparation, various hard facing alloys and advantages of hard facing. | 6 | Download |

Parhlad Sharma
Welder Instructor
Government Industrial Training Institute (ITI), Rania
Sirsa, Haryana India
Sirsa, Haryana India